Problems Posting

Mar 31, 2020
  1. Am I unable to post?  We have spam guard on our website; more than likely, the IP you are attempting to register from is in a spam database.  Please feel free to send me a note and include your IP address so that I might enable it.  
  2.  What do we consider spamming?  We consider spamming when you post in categories non-related to your post or posting the exact same ad multiple times in different categories.  Please do not spam on our site as we do appreciate your business.
  3.  What type of posts are not permitted?  Posting a pet for sale without a phone number is considered spam.  Porn sites or illicit activities are not permitted.   Posting websites that promote illicit activities are not permitted. Comments or comments that are strictly advertising and are not related to the post will be deleted.
The account with the email address already exists on the site. To synchronize with Social Network Login plugin please enter the password to your account on the site.
Tap the Install icon below, and select Add to Home Screen from list.